Have you set your sails to keep your goals on course?

Everyone has situational influences in their life that can push them in a given direction or change the opportunities that are available to them. The challenge before us all is to keep the focus on our goals, even when we are faced with opposition. You need to set your sailsRead More →

Tax time stress: Get organized and stress-free

Do you dread tax time every year? Getting stressed out and worried is probably something that’s not good for your health. Instead of letting tax season beat you down, prepare for it throughout the year with the right (and practically effortless) organization. There are two basic components you will needRead More →

Eliminate debt using the debt-snowball method

Debt is a severe burden that most people suffer. It is more widespread than many people realize. According to a recent Gallup poll, the average American has 3.7 credit cards with 71% having at least one card. So if you have debt, you are not alone. In fact, you areRead More →

Simple actions repeated daily give significant results. Of course, you could also say that simple errors done every day will also deliver substantial results, just not the kind you want. Jim Rohn is on record stating, Failure is simply a few errors in judgment, repeated every day – Jim RohnRead More →

Home based jobs or home business?

In today’s unpredictable world, it is essential to save money.  Now, this isn’t just for an emergency plan (which you should already have been doing this), but rather preparing for your future. And what is the most critical thing to have to build up a savings account, besides income and a placeRead More →

Home Budgeting

Creating a home budget can be hard if you don’t know where to start. The easiest way is to step back and start with the basics. A good strategy is to build a simple outline of your income, expense categories, and actual spending per category. Here is a look atRead More →

Household budget

There’s an old saying that goes something like, “It isn’t what you make, it’s what you keep that counts.” I’m no doubt paraphrasing, but it makes the point. It’s what you keep that counts. So you want to be sure that you are spending your hard earned money wisely. OneRead More →

Why you need an emergency fund for a rainy day...

Have you ever thought about building an emergency fund? If you don’t have one, I’m here to tell you one thing: you need an emergency fund. You may have questions about how to create one or how big it needs to be, so let’s take a look. You Need An EmergencyRead More →

Stamp Collecting Hobby

Having a hobby and saving money is often polar opposites. In fact, in a lot of circles, the difference between a hobby and a side business is whether it makes money or costs money. But life is meant to be enjoyed, and if you have your debt under control, youRead More →