Buying is an emotional act

Zig Ziglar had a statement about buying that succinctly describes how people are manipulated into buying things they do not want or need. Ziglar said, People don’t buy for logical reasons. They buy for emotional reasons. -Zig Ziglar He brilliantly summed up the bulk of the advertising market with thatRead More →

Duplicate services to avoid paying for twice

Next time you receive a service bill (hopefully you’ve switched to email billing), take a look at the services provided and ask yourself a simple question: Am I already getting this service through another source? It seems amazing that people would pay twice for a given service, but there isRead More →

Get Out Of Debt

Getting out of debt is one of the most challenging obstacles when it comes to personal freedom. Debt can be a cruel taskmaster, taking any spare money that you happen to have, and sometimes taking the money that you don’t have to spare. The ugly truth is that debt is designedRead More →