Working For Yourself Pros and Cons

While many may view working for yourself as the perfect solution for a lot of life’s issues, it isn’t always the ideal solution.

In fact, working for yourself may not be the best solution for many people. Before you consider branching out on your own, you should probably be aware of some pros and cons when it comes to working for yourself.

The pros and cons of working for yourself...

Pros of Working for Yourself

Being Your Own Boss

The most significant advantage for me is being my own boss. As a blogger, I’m in control of every aspect of my work. From coming up with ideas and the creative process to the writing/editing and photography (and videography) to the billing/invoicing, and marketing (to name a few).

I must admit I love being in control of my destiny. I also love hearing the terms, lady boss, girl boss, women in business, and women entrepreneurs!

Of course, this applies to men, too. My husband works from home and is his own boss, also.

Avoid The Traffic

A lot of people spend an hour or more in traffic each day just getting to and from work. This commuting trip is five hours or more each week of productive time, almost like gaining a whole extra work day in the week.

The good thing about this is that you can avoid the bad weather when it happens.

Work Comfortably, even in your PJs on occasion

If you work from home, it matters little what you wear while you get your tasks done. You can indeed work in your PJs, yoga pants, even a ballerina outfit or cosplay if it helps you get the work done.

However, be sure to stay civil and decent, and don’t let yourself go. You never know when you may need to have a video conference or meet someone. The person you’re meeting may not appreciate your tutu.

Freedom From The Clock

If you can arrange your business needs just right, you may find that you can fall into a natural rhythm with your work. Instead of waking up (and going to bed) by the clock, you can wake up naturally and feel recharged, ready to tackle the challenges of working for yourself.

However, I think freedom from the clock applies more if you have no children or your kids are older than if you are a parent to younger kids.

You Can Have a More Flexible Schedule

Life is full of interruptions and exceptions. When that parent-teacher conference comes up, you won’t have to get permission first. If you have an appointment to attend, you can take off and go. You work on your schedule, and more than likely the work will be there when you get back, waiting for you.

You Might Be Able To Eat Healthier

Many times working at a job involves eating out for lunch five days a week. Not only can this add up to a lot of money spent, but it can also be a very unhealthy lifestyle.

If you work from home or your private office, you can prepare healthier meals to eat, often at a better price than eating out. You can even put away the leftovers from the night before as the lunch choice for the day. This kind of lunch can be healthier and save you money.

Less At Work Interruptions

Many of us have worked with individuals that can be very disrupting.  If that wasn’t bad enough, some places are very meeting happy, scheduling these potential time wasters several times a week.

You may also find that requests for lunch can cause disruptions as well, something that can be easier to avoid if you are not in the office.

Working for yourself

Cons of Working for Yourself

All Your Cool Stuff Can Be a Distraction

Sure, you can try to be a focused, hard working individual. But if work at home, you’ll find that all of that cool stuff you are working so hard to have in first place can be a distraction.

Whether it’s TV, a fresh new gadget, or even household amenities, you’ll find that setting up a proper work schedule and sticking to it is not always the most natural thing to do at first.

Your Home Life and Work Life Can Overlap

It’s much easier to separate work and home life when you are working for someone else. You usually divide these by the clock (and maybe by the place you are).

However, when it comes to working for yourself, you’ll find that there isn’t always a clear delineation between the two. In fact, you may see that you have to work odd hours to accommodate the demands of both home and work life.

You’ll Look for Reasons to Escape from the House

If you are working from home, you may find that trips out are more like a get out of jail free card. You may discover yourself taking on more errands (even shopping) just to avoid heading back to your home, where your work is patiently waiting for you.

You Will Do a Lot of Free Work

When you are starting a business, you’ll find that most of your time getting it up and running is not billable. This effort will feel like you are working for free, especially for the time spent before you make a profit. Spending this time can make it hard to focus on the work at hand, but you have to push through it until you are successful.

Family And Friends May Be Asking for Favors

Working for yourself often does not give you more free time. In fact, it usually means just the opposite, and time can be a precious commodity.

That won’t stop your friends and family from asking you for favors. Sometimes they may ask you to watch a sick child or help them move. Even your immediate family may stop doing things around the house since to them you are already there to help.

You may be expected to volunteer more of your time because they assume you have plenty of it. As I mentioned above, time is one thing you’ll find there’s not much of to spare.

Even though one of the pros is a more flexible schedule, and it’s true, when you change your plans for that last minute meeting, for example, you may find yourself working super late or getting up extra early to make up for it.

The pros and cons of working for yourself

Working for yourself may not for everyone, and there are pros and cons to doing so.

The first thing you need to decide is if you have the personality to handle the requirements of working for yourself. If so, you still have to set expectations of those around you to stay productive without interruptions.

If you decide that working from home is for you, whether it’s blogging or other business, I highly recommend #ExposeYourself: Grow Your Blog or Business by Putting Yourself Out There — Buy Now

It is quite possible to be a stay at home mom on one income. Click here to view more details.

If you can do that, you may find that it is a healthy and profitable lifestyle for you.